Water Wells Drilled - Tchire & Baktchoro

Clean Water to the Villages Feida Tchiré & Feida Baktchoro (Before)

EEMET is drilling water wells in the villages of Tchire & Baktchoro. Currently both villages use open wells as seen below.


Project Cure Kits

Project Cure puts together kits of medical supplies that are easy to check on airplane.


Clean Water to the Village of Walia

Walia is a diverse community of about a thousand families on the outskirts of N’djamena. The community is comprised of individuals from a variety of tribes and villages who primarily work in the capital. Prior to this well being drilled, women in the area walked to the nearby river to gather water. Now the community of Walia has clean water of their own.

Medical Supplies

We recently delivered an ultrasound machine to the clinic established by ADT in the far north of the country. This is the only clinic in the region, and families are traveling long distances to see the doctor. We’ve previously provided much of the equipment for the newly established clinic to operate.

Clean Water to the Village of Ngonba

The village of Ngonba is a completely new village that emerged after dramatic flooding last year destroyed their previous homes. Ngonba is one of the newly built sites for those devastated by the floods. An estimated three to four thousand people live in the village, and there was not a single water well in the village. Before this well was drilled, women walked three to four kilometers one-way to the nearest clean water. Now the village of Ngonba has clean water of their own.

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