Partner – EMET
About EMET – The Alliance of Evangelical Churches (EMET) is a network of about a dozen
Christian denominations in Chad. EMET employs about forty people and coordinates various
development, education, and unity projects across the church. EMET manages the
establishment of Christian schools and Universities, coordinates education outreaches among
women and children, and liaisons with the government on political matters.
Water Projects – We will coordinate the drilling of water wells in areas of greatest need,
as well as develop a system in the village for the ongoing maintenance and repair of the well.
Before a well is drilled, the village will assemble a water council to oversee the well and raise
community funds for ongoing repairs and maintenance.
EMET will receive bids and hire a contractor to drill the well. Upon completion, the contractor
will provide a basic toolkit to the trainees for the maintenance and repair of the well.
EEMET is drilling water wells in the villages of Tchire & Baktchoro. Currently both villages use open wells as seen below.
Project Cure puts together kits of medical supplies that are easy to check on airplane.